Everyone, regardless of the organisation from which they hail, is freely encouraged to join, and welcome in Okuden Circle. Each person should be free to decide with whom he/she wants to train, without being unnecessarily exposed to organisational political aspects.

As Okuden Circle is more like a platform for an idea, we do not wish to be seen as a hierachical organization.

Those who like the idea, those who are interested in these principles, and want to be educated, are welcome to become a Supporter ("Member") of the Okuden Circle.

Though membership is recommended non-supporters may also take part in open Okuden Circle Seminars.


Supporter Fee:

50,-€ per year (Covers 1st of January through 31st of December)

15,-€ One time payment for Supporter Pass and Patch.

(2,50-€ Service Fee ONLY on payments with Paypal)

Shipping and handling are included in aforementioned fees.


Bank Transfer:

Bank: PostFinance

Okuden Circle; 7000 Chur

Account Number: 91-871932-6

IBAN: CH66 0900 0000 9187 1932 6


Reason for transfer: "First and Last Name"



Please fill out and sign the registration sheet and send it to our member office.


Alexandra Medebach

Bannstraße 32

35576 Wetzlar


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Why we chose the term Supporter and not Member?

We purposefully chose the term Supporter because it is important for us that both the idea and the inner attitude are in the center. We hope that this Idea attracts a lot of like-minded people to support it.


Supporter Advantages:

-The opportunity to test,

-Discount on OC Seminars

-Discount on OC Products

-International recognition

-Online Academy